Thursday, June 29, 2006

Thursday 29 June

It's been a while...

There's no news, so I'll just share a photo that I took last week. It's a Taiwanese girl doing some modelling at 228 Peace Park (二二八和平公園). I happened to be there, and saw a group of amateur photographers squirming around her. Since I had my camera with me, I just grabbed the chance and took a few shots :-)

Ah well now that I'm posting this anyway... like I said, nothing special happened lately. Last weeks the weather's changed though, it's really really hot every day, most days near the 35 degrees Celcius. And now the 'rainy season' is over, and July is coming... which means the hottest time of year is making its entry. Also, the typhoon season has arrived!!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Things to eat - Chou Tofu 臭豆腐

It's already a month ago these pictures were taken, but it's interesting to show some of the typical Taiwanese foods. Actually this is one of the things I want to show you in this blog: what do Taiwanese love to eat?
Over the past two years I've found out which foods I really really like (and that I would miss if I'd ever leave Taiwan); and also, there are lots of foods here that I would run away from. I promise I will show both in the posts to come.
Anyway, this food is a type of fried tofu, it's called "chou tofu" which literally means "stinky tofu". And the name is properly chosen... because indeed, it does smell terrible. It can be found in most night markets, mostly sold by small vendors in the street.

When I just came to Taiwan, I never liked this stuff and thought it must be as terrible as it smells. But after a long time I dared to try it, and I found out it's not that bad, and even started to appreciate the special taste of it.

Chou tofu is always served on a plate with crispy pickled vegetables (I think there's cabbage), soy sauce, and some spicy sauce. I think it's just like with French cheese, because it can smell really terrible but taste quite good.

If you'd ever come to Taiwan and visit a night market, you can be sure you'll find the strong smell of chou tofu when walking past a vendor, and see the people lining up to eat it.

The photos above were taken by my sweet and beautiful girlfriend Joyce.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Welcome to Taiwan Note Book

So, this will be my first post on this newly created blog page... finally!

After a long period of, ehm, thinking, I finally decided to just start a blog page on a free service. Just for the convenience of it, and I don't need to waste hours on html pages, cgi scripts, or whatever.

My previous homepage was lost after my parents changed to an ADSL subscription. (My homepage was on their available homepage space.) So, here I'm back again. And yes, it's in English as well as Dutch -- see comments for a Dutch translation. I'll still have to see how this bi-lingual thing turns out as this blog goes.

For the coming posts I just want to write some articles about life in Taiwan / Taipei; purely for sharing the joy of life in this country. I hope to write on a regular basis, but knowing myself... I won't make any promises for that :-)

Well, that's it for now I guess... I welcome you on Taiwan Note Book!

(voor Nederlands, klik op de comments bij elk bericht)